KEVORK HADJIAN (1971-2020) Singer, Conductor & Teacher

During his life, Kevork Hadjian had a multi-content large-scale activity (also charitable), and after voluntary conscription and martyrdom in the Artsakh 44-day war, his wife and son founded the KEVORK HADJIAN Memorial Charitable Foundation for the purpose of cultural, scientific, educational and sports public benefit services.

Priority purposes of the Foundation are to

1. Publish videos and CDs

2. Publish and Republish

a – Music collections approved by author projects dedicated to Kevork Hadjian and others
b – Scientific studies and monographs dedicated to Kevork Hadjian and others
c – Professional magazines and newspapers

3. Establish scholarships and educational awards dedicated to the performing arts of Kevork Hadjian, in the Gomidas State Conservatory of Yerevan and in the National "Haratch-Kalousd Guelbengian" school of Ainjar village.

4. Actualize competitions named after Kevork Hadjian, dedicated to the to the sport of the Union of Armenian Black Belts